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Real added value for polyurethane applications in the automotive industry

The AUTOMOTIVE ALLIANCE - Real added value for polyurethane applications in the automotive industry


The AUTOMOTIVE ALLIANCE between Hennecke and FRIMO focuses on the benefits for customers in the field of polyurethane and other reactive plastic applications for the production of passenger cars. The core segments of the international partnership include the product areas moulded foam processing, elastomer processing, lightweight composites and PUR-CSM technology for polyurethane spray applications, as well as flood injection for structural and decorative components. Here Hennecke is providing its metering and mixhead technology as well as all other systems for handling the raw materials - storage, transportation, preparation and processing, while FRIMO is contributing its plant technology in moulded foam, elastomers and composites. Customers benefit from comprehensive system solutions and individual service from one source as well as a common point of contact. Another advantage is the unified customer interface, ranging from tooling to plant automation up to process technology. By focusing on their core competencies, the two companies complement each other perfectly and are able to provide customers all over the world with efficient, innovative and proven quality system solutions.

Highly specialized expertise and individual solutions in the field of technologies and plant engineering for automotive applications

Metering machines
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